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About Us

HerSolution® is a brand for women. We make natural-based products that help women live enjoyable and fulfilling lives, with beauty, passion and high quality of life.

This is What We Do

We make solutions for women that employ natural-based formulas for specific issues that affect our customers. That’s why we’re called Her Solution – our current products are:

HerSolution Pills®
– A natural solution for ongoing intimacy.

HerSolution Gel®
– A quick way to get in the mood with natural ingredients that are both gentle and exciting.

HerSolution Sculpt®
– A 3-Part System that helps women sculpt a beautiful rear end at any age.

Total Curve®
– A natural breast augmentation system that helps women restore lift and make their breasts perky and youthful.

– A natural and effective solution to help reduce urinary incontinence and bladder leakage.

This is Why We Do It

Our mandate is simple: to help women achieve beauty and wellness naturally. We’re for women and the matters that affect them because we feel there are answers in nature that can help women live better.